Truly Partners in Assessment

We deeply partner with districts to collaboratively build multi-year assessment and Professional Learning plans for quality and actionable data on student progress towards the NGSS. Our team will work with district leaders to look at each grade's curriculum, goals, and standards and recommend a plan to gather your needed data.

Build your assessments from our library of over 9,000 phenomena-driven, and highly scaffolded, NGSS Assessment items for grades 3-12.

Phenomena-Based NGSS Assessments that Uncover Actionable Data

Assessments & Reports for the Next Generation Science Standards

InnerOrbit gives students opportunities to make sense of novel phenomena and real-world events, with over 700 clusters of scaffolded assessment items that teachers and admins can use to build Benchmarks and Common Assessments. Once data is gathered InnerOrbit’s Reports break down student progress on DCIs, SEPs, and CCCs to, drive PLC conversations and continuous improvement of instruction and curriculum.

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Phenomena & Sensemaking

Every assessment is crafted around unique and eye-catching phenomenon. Students apply knowledge and scientific or engineering skills to make sense of novel phenomena.

Every question in our platform is tagged with discrete elements of SEPs, DCIs, and CCCs to provide a bank of 9,000+ items that are scaffolded as 1, 2, and 3-dimensional questions

Scaffolded Assessments

District Leaders and Coaches can easily surface trends across all school sites on SEPs, DCIs, and CCCs, to help highlight areas of success, share strategies that are working, or help identify PD opportunities

Actionable Data & Reports

Benchmark/Summative Assessments

A curriculum benchmark assessment formally evaluates student learning progress and summatively measure student understanding of the material that has been covered. Can be powerful tools in evaluating PD opportunities or gaps in the curriculum that need to be addressed across a district.

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Common Formative Assessments

A common formative assessment (CFA) is used to improve learning outcomes by providing feedback to teachers and students within a lesson or unit. This assessment is a great way to leverage student understanding to make instructional decisions that best support student progress. 

Daily Do Nows foster knowledge building, and support students understand the natural world by transferring understandings and skills to exciting, real-world scenarios (phenomena).

Daily Do Nows

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